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  • Writer's pictureHillside Power

Kill the noise - IN YOU

You are never ready, you are not fully prepared, you are never at your best, ever. Harsh words to say, but that’s not me telling you that, that is many of you always telling yourself that.

We live in a world today where we think what we do or say matters to everyone. That we owe some big explanation to the world of who we are and what we do. Some believe that they are proving all the haters and doubters wrong. But let’s be honest, most of you don’t even have enough followers on social media to even have “haters” and the followers you do have, a very small number read what you post.

We create these thoughts that whatever our goal is in life, we are doing it for the sake of approval from other people. The reality of it all is, your goals, your achievements, your results are really for you and no one else. Yet, we can’t seem to wrap our heads around that and stay focused each step of the way to what we are really after.

The biggest delay in us ever reaching what we are after is fear. Fear has ruled me in many areas of my life, and it does the same in you. Fear can create noise in our heads so loud that it can beat you down and make you stay there. Fear is the enemy, and it wants to win.

Case and point, my first powerlifting comp took nearly two years to get to. I had all these fears of what others would think or say depending on the outcome of the day. I suffered set back after set back because of injury and changing programs all because I feared not going, failing or getting hurt in some form of capacity in all three areas. At the end of my first comp, I didn’t change the world, it was not earth shattering and no, I didn’t get carried off the field like the movie “Rudy”. I just lifted weights and got my first total.

Everyone has heard of mobility. Most associate it with physical mobility. Over the years, I have done a lot of mental and spiritual mobility work for myself as well as passing it on to others. I am not talking about self-help books to motivate you, though a lot of them are useful. It has taken a lot of work to see me as me and accept myself. I am learning it’s okay to fail in order to get better. It is okay to get hurt because I can recover and continue getting better. I am learning all of this will get me to where I want to go and the same can be done for you.

It takes courage, which is the opposite of fear, to overcome it and take steps. Courage and faith, even the smallest amount, will guide you to what we are after in this world, short term or long term. Courage that you can do it and faith that it will be done is all you need to know.

To get to the other side of things, physical, mental or spiritual can be a road of a few steps or a road that is miles upon miles. Finding that courage and faith to take those steps, takes an understanding that what we are doing, is bigger than what we thought in the first place. Without saying a word, the results in you are seen by others and those who stick around to see it, have a chance to reap the same benefits, but it all starts with you.

I have a saying that I tell myself and anyone I work with, “focus on the work and not the result, the result will come." As I write this last part, I am reminding myself the same and I do so every day. Don’t let your fear of what could happen make nothing happen. Kill all the noise, even if that noise is coming from you.

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