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  • Writer's pictureHillside Power

Just add water

We know every year we get the New Year, new me, followed by the non-stop post at the gyms with hashtags of #grindthegrind #cantstopwontstop, #neverenough and all that hot mess. What happens the day after New Year when the general pop flock to the gym those first few months to do some program they found online, or they heard a celebrity did. The work outs are followed by chicken salads or nonfunctional fad diets they heard about. To cut this short, none of this is sustainable and lasts less than 6 months for most.

If we take a look at the statistics of the gym industry, it might give you some insight into what is going wrong. Nearly 50% of all new gym members quit within the first six months from lack of motivation. What happened to the social media daily post of being at the gym? Crazy enough, 63% of memberships go totally unused. That’s a poor investment with no return for your health or your pocket. Cost plays a factor as 38% of gym members quit because of cost alone and 23% due to non-use. So, what went wrong? Where did the motivation go and why did they quit before they ever got started?

If we are not investing in our health, what are we investing in? Well, we know it’s important to post on social media what we do, drink and eat, because everybody is an influencer these days. Most are willing to spend $7.00 a day on a coffee drink nearly twice a day, which adds up to approximately $4,704 a year. Not to mention the cost of eating out several meals a day and the cost of buying new clothes to fit into what we once used to. I am sorry, you can’t afford the gym, because why? I know expensive sugar drinks taste so good; I get it.

Now, over the years, the gym industry has seen a growth in group classes. Not only at your local global gym, but also in Boot Camps, CrossFit gyms, Yoga, Spin Classes, with the latest one, Pilates and so on. Statistics show that 40% of gym members enroll in some type of group class versus attempting to be consistent on their own. With the increasing obese population in America, more than one third of the group will likely be interested in hiring a trainer. Studies have shown that those who hire a trainer or coach see the results they are looking for by more than 30%. In terms of the success in group training, one study showed that 95% of those who started their goals in that setting achieved them. While 42% of those people maintained the results. Why is that? Well, because success does not come on its own and no one is self-made.

So, what is the big unlock to all of this? If it's not motivation, then what is it? Simply put, motivation is not long term nor sustainable, no matter what shirt you buy to wear to the gym. Results don’t come without work and too many are focused on the result before they ever start the work. There are no big secrets here or a magic pill that makes it work, it takes time, and it takes being driven to see it through. To give some clarity between the two, being motivated is enthusiastic, especially about striving for a goal, while being driven is obsessed; passionately motivated to achieve your goals.

Think about those who we follow on social media in some form or fashion. I am not talking about those who paid to have 10K followers to make their page look good and like their own post. This writer would encourage you not to like your own post. It's sad and you know who you are. I am talking about those who have achieved high results consistently to earn their bragging rights. What did it take for them to get there or, more importantly, to start? For one, they were 100% driven to be the best at what they do. They didn’t wake up and put a Beast Mode shirt on and call it good. No, they set their sights on it and went after it. Second, they had help. They did not climb the ladder of success by themselves whatsoever and if anyone ever said they did, they are lying and should be unfollowed. They are surrounded by coaches to guide them, family to support or even a network of friends to do both. Their success was never instant, it was work and it was work driven by the result they were and still are after.

Let's wrap this up, if you have the time to stand in line for your daily expensive coffee and social media post, try putting it into a professional that can guide your training and even diet. It’s an investment in your health and the results you want. If it’s the cost, join group classes or create your own group to train with. Realistic challenges within the group are always healthy and help achieve results. Don’t follow the trends of the world but look for what works for you yet challenges you. Seek experienced help by all means. It has a bigger return on investment than you may think. Ask yourself, what is the worst that can happen? You get the results you wanted? Do you feel better about yourself physically and mentally? I truly think the worst that can happen is you never start and never really see the results you are looking for. Like anything in this world, just add water or just make an effort to see your results grow to what you are after. 

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